Dennis O. Dever, Owner/Principal, PhD, PE

Dever Technology was formed to share several decades of learning and successful capital project experience. Cross industry insights are available from past design of Chemical Separation/Crystallization Plants, Feed Vaporization Systems, Cryogenic System Design, Electrically Heated High Temperature Reactor Design, Marine Vapor Control Systems, Computer Monitoring, Process Design, Equipment Design, and more.

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Separate and purify Lithium, Manganese, and high value chemicals using low energy crystallizers and separators. Guide fast track testing programs as required.

Over Pressure Protection

Keep major projects on schedule by supplementing in-house engineering for challenging applications such as the sizing and selection of overpressure protection solutions.

Balance of Plant (BOP)

Balance-of-plant (BOP) engineering to adapt a new nuclear plant to the local conditions, water supply, wastewater requirements, power, and infrastructure requirements.

Electric Heat

Reduce carbon emissions by designing and estimating carbon-free electric heaters for custom and unique applications including endothermic reactors.

Coaching Engineers

For engineering design projects with a shortage of senior engineers, an abundance of recent graduates, tough deadlines, and a backlog of challenging work, one-on-one training is available.

Reduce CapEx

Is there a better and less costly way to design your process? Do you need one or two more concepts to exhaust your evaluation. I can provide new ideas, cross industry insights, consultation on R&D, and offer new technology.

Engineering Programming

Manually designing and estimating engineered equipment is time consuming and limits helpful iterations. Engineering intensive software can be written to provide equipment design.



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